Faculty & Staff


Dr. Tracy Tucker
Vice Chancellor 
Ed.D., University of Arkansas at Little Rock
M.Ed., University of Central Oklahoma
B.S., University of Central Arkansas

Office: Main Bldg. Adm A-1 Phone: 870-460-2027

Dawn Reed
Assistant Vice Chancellor
M.S., College Student Personnel, Arkansas Tech
Certified Career Development Facilitator
B.A., Childlife and Family Studies, Louisiana Tech
Office: Adm A-5 Phone: 870-460-2030

Chris Byrd
Dean of Students
B.A., Political Science, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: Adm A-6 Phone: 870-460-2004

John Chambless
Information Technology Coordinator
Computer Maintenance/Networking Technical Certificate, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: Main Bldg. 108-B Phone 870-460-2013

LaTeasha Franklin
Director of Vocational Counseling
M.S., Mental Health Counseling, Capella University
B.S.W, University of Arkansas - Monticello
Office: Counselor Office Phone: 870-460-2024

Teresa Barnett 
Director of Career Pathways Initiative
B.A., Criminal Justice, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Office: Main Bldg. Bookstore Phone: 870-460-2032

Officer David Wesson
University Police Officer
Office: Main Bldg. Adm 106-D Phone: 870-460-2012

Emily Davis
College and Career Coach
B.S.W, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Office: Main Bldg. Adm 102B - Phone: 870-460-2008

Administrative Support Staff

Shannon Murphy
Administrative Specialist III
Office: Main Bldg. Adm A-2 Phone: 870-460-2020

Tara Womble
Administrative Specialist III

Phone: 870-460-2016

Heather Breshears
Administrative Specialist III
B.A, Criminal Justice and Sociology , University of Arkansas 
Phone: 870-460-2015


Susanne Ballard
Administrative Office Technology Instructor
M.Ed., University of Arkansas at Monticello 
B.A., Office Administration, Ouachita Baptist University
B.S., Business Education, Ouachita Baptist University
Office: McGoogan Bldg. 208-A Phone: 870-460-2007

Brad White
HVAC/R Instructor
Master Electrician
HVAC Class A Licensee
Office: Main Bldg. 102 Phone: 870-460-2010

Jerry Jeffers
Electromechanical Instructor
Technical Certificate, Welding Technology, Forest Echoes Vocational School
Industrial Equipment Maintenance, Forest Echoes Vocational School
Phone: 870-460-2022

Paul Daws
Electromechanical Technology-Instrumentation Instructor
AAS Electronics Engineering, Southern Arkansas University
Technical Certificate, Electromechanical Technology-Instrumentation, PT电子 College of Technology-Crossett
Office: E&I Bldg. B-3 Phone: 870-460-2009

Donnie Dubose
Welding Technology Instructor
AWS Certified Pipe Welder
Advanced Technical Certificate in Welding, Forest Echoes Technical Institute
Office: Welding Shop Phone: 870-460-2014

Jimmy DuBose
Welding Technology Instructor
American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welder
AWS Certified Welding Inspector
AWS Certified Welding Educator
Office: Welding Shop Phone: 870-460-2006

Ginnie Sellers
Mathematics Instructor
M.A., Teaching and Learning, University of Arkansas at Monticello  
B.S, Mathematics, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office:  McGoogan Bldg. 201-A Phone: 870-460-2019

Alice Lindsey
Hospitality Services Instructor
B.S. Education, Business Administration, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: Admin Bldg. 102-B Phone: 870-460-2010

Kayla Noble
Practical Nursing – Clinical Instructor
AAS, Registered Nursing, South Arkansas Community College
Technical Certificate, LPN, PT电子 College of Technology Crossett
Office: Admin Bldg. 101 Phone: 870-460-2011

Jeff Robinson
Nursing Assistant Instructor
Technical Certificate, LPN, South Arkansas Community College
Office: McGoogan Bldg. 206-A Phone: 870-460-2023

Rick Owens
Electromechanical Technology Instructor
B.S., Geology, University of Arkansas
Office: E&I Bldg. B-2  Phone: 870-460-2002

Scott Clark
Electromechanical Instructor
AAS, Electromechanical Technology, PT电子 College of Technology Crossett
Office: Main Bldg. 103-B  Phone: 870-460-2035

Shela Upshaw
Practical Nursing Instructor
MSN, Nursing Education, Capella University
B.S., Nursing, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
AASN, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: McGoogan Bldg. 206-A Phone: 870-460-2025

Kim Wallis
Health Information Technology Instructor
B.S., Business Administration Marketing, University of Arkansas at Monticello
M.BA, Delta State University
Office: McGoogan Bldg. 204-B Phone: 870-460-2005

